Community Service is an integral part of the Chaminade Esto Vir journey. Be sure to check this page often for various options to earn service hours! Click the link below to access the Chaminade website page for service requirements.
Join us for Wreaths across America at Jefferson Barracks National Cemetary on Saturday, December 14th at 10:45AM. There will be a ceremony first and then wreath placement.
This is a great opportunity to learn more about those that have died for our country and to honor them. Volunteers must be high school age, and the boys will earn 3 hours of service. We have 20 slots available for players and any parents are welcome to join also. Volunteers should park in the gravel lot where the Wreaths Across America truck will be parked.
Please click on this link to signup:
The breakfast program runs all summer long. Students meet at Fr. Dempsey's at 8AM to help prepare and serve a great hot breakfast to the men. We clean the kitchen afterward and are finished by 10AM. It is a great way to start a Saturday. The boys can sign up HERE. There are volunteers needed in May and all summer long.
Phone: 314.616.3672